ERA’s Graeme Stewart is pleased to be participating in the Active Neighbourhoods Canada project taking place in Toronto’s Thorncliffe Park and Flemingdon Park, Wed., March 25.
The project uses participatory planning to help communities across Canada create green, active and healthy neighbourhoods. These neighbourhoods celebrate the active use of shared public space; they support walking and cycling for everyone through safe and welcoming urban design based on the community’s vision.
The first phase of the project involved documenting the current situation and engaging residents in Thorncliffe Park and Flemingdon Park to imagine potential futures. As part of the second phase, this workshop invites professionals working in the fields of urban planning, architecture, transportation or public works to contribute their expertise and propose site-specific design solutions that address the community’s concerns and their vision for the future.
The day will consist of two parts: A morning talk/Q&A featuring Paul Hess and Graeme Stewart, followed by breakout design charrettes in the afternoon. Come prepared to contribute ideas for improving pedestrian environments, cycling infrastructure and the accessibility of public spaces.
Please register for this event online.