ERA has been working with Sustainable.TO, Architext, Blackwell, and Patriot Engineering on the “Sky-o-Swale shade-water structure,” part of an ongoing project to bring new landscape features and public realm amenities to the vibrant community hub of East Scarborough Storefront.
A type of green-roof pavilion, the Sky-o-Swale shade-water structure is currently being constructed and will soon be completed. The catenary roof structure is constructed of chain and chain-link fencing, and supported by six canted columns made of reused hydro poles.
The structure gets its name from the concept of an elevated bioswale; when complete, it will purify and harvest rainwater to irrigate the adjacent gardens. Its soil is a specially formulated light-weight growing medium, and its vegetation consists of several sedum species of flowering succulents, which are tough and tolerant of drought.
We’re excited to see this project progress over the coming weeks and months, and will continue to post updates. Look out also for developments on other new Storefront features, including a sport court and pergola to complement the recently completed kitchen garden and patio.